Surgical procedure which diverts bile from the terminal ileum (last part of the small intestine) thus interrupting enterohepatic bile acid circulation.
Creation of a conduit (sometimes a piece of jejunum is used) between the gall bladder and the large intestine
A surgery that creates a channel from the gall bladder to the large intestine. This causes bile to be diverted from the small intestine and interrupts it from being recirculated into the liver.
Your Experience
Recorded: 3
PFIC patients & the community have
reported the following experiences:
- Can result in reduced itch for multiple years, helping to delay transplant.
- Can improve sleep quality and patient and family quality of life.
- Side effects may include diarrhea.
- Itch may return.
Impacted Areas
of Patient Life
Of the six main areas mainly affected by PFIC, patients & the community have identified the areas impacted by this medication.
If you’d like to learn more you can
do so by visiting our Resource page.
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